DUI/OVI Defense

We Will Defend Your Rights

 operating a vehicle while impaired

OVI STANDS FOR operating a vehicle while impaired. It is also commonly referred to as DUI, DWI, or OMVI. If you have OVI charges brought against you, it is in your best interest to seek representation. An experienced OVI / DUI defense attorney can help you avoid making legal mistakes that may make the situation worse.

A DUI lawyer will explain your rights and navigate the legal field for you. They can advise you on all of your options, and assist in determining your best course of action. In most cases jail can be avoided and driving privileges can be obtained.

Possible DUI Penalties

DUI Penalties
FIRST OFFENSE MANDATORY MINIMUMS 3 days in jail or a 72 hour driver intervention program, minimum fine of $375 plus any court costs, 1 year minimum license suspension (you can obtain driving privileges for work and school), 6 points on your license, possible probation, penalties are enhanced if you have had a high breath test (0.17 or higher test)

SECOND OFFENSE MANDATORY MINIMUMS (Within the Last 10 Years) fine of $525 plus any court costs, 10 consecutive days in jail, license suspension of one year (driving privileges may be obtained for school and work), 90 day immobilization of your vehicle, 6 points on your license, possible probation, penalties are enhanced if you have had a high breath test (0.17 or higher test)