Super Bowl PSA Tackles Domestic Violence Issue

Published 03/13/15 by Meghan Darah

Barr, Jones & Associates LLP, released an article discussing “Super Bowl PSA Tackles Domestic Violence Issue”, read on for more of this article.

While Super Bowl XLIX aired many humorous, thrilling, and light-hearted commercials, “No More,” an anti-domestic violence and sexual assault campaign, aired a serious and disturbingly real problem that occurs at home.

The 30-second PSA depicts the challenge for domestic violence victims to get help by playing a woman’s 911 call and illustrates the aftermath of an occurrence in the home. The victim masks her 911 call as a pizza order. At first, the call suggests to the dispatcher that the woman misdialed. However, after the dispatcher confirms that there is an emergency and that the aggressor is present, it is clear that the call is a cry for help.

Victims of domestic violence can find support by staying at a domestic violence shelter, calling 911, or contacting a domestic violence hotline. Alternatively, victims may obtain legal protection by filing a Petition for Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order (“CPO”). Upon filing a CPO, there is a hearing where the petitioner must testify before a judge about the domestic violence that he or she experienced. From the petitioner’s testimony, the judge will either dismiss the case or grant a temporary CPO; determination is based on whether the petitioner satisfies the statutory requirements.

Currently, victims of domestic violence face many challenges, such as the inability to call for help, leave their home, or pursue protection through the court system. Because of these barriers, the “No More” campaign is starting the conversation about domestic violence by illustrating the subtle signs of domestic violence and spreading awareness. Please visit to learn more.

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