Few Cases Going To Trial In Ohio
Published 11/05/14 by Jason Barr
Barr, Jones & Associates LLP, released an article discussing “Few Cases Going Trial Ohio”, if you would like to know more Please continue reading this article below.
Cases going to trial in Ohio courts are a very uncommon occurrence according to the recently released 2013 Ohio Courts Statistical Summary. The report showed that only 2% of felony criminal cases actually go to trial throughout the State of Ohio. The Report also outlined that Misdemeanor cases only see trials in 1.8% of cases filed and traffic cases had an extremely low trial rate of .6%.
The Report also determined that the Civil cases in the State of Ohio have very low trial rates. Civil cases in the Ohio Common Pleas Courts only had a trail rate of 1.2%, while civil cases in municipal and county courts had trial rates of 1.9%. This yearly Report was complied by the Supreme Court’s Case Management Section from mandatory statistics supplied by all Ohio courts. These statistics were created from the 2.6 million cases filed in 2013.
In this modern legal environment one thing is very clear: it is extremely important that a person utilizes an attorney that is not only skilled at trial for the 2% of cases that actually have a trial, but also a lawyer skilled at pretrial negotiations, which resolve the other 98% of cases pending in the Ohio courts.
Contact Barr, Jones & Associates LLP Law Firm today, for further questions and concerns on this matter.